<span>The correct answer is A. Both exercised military and economic domination over colonial territories.
Both French and British practised similar tactics to control and domination over their empires in Asia to profit economically and militarily from their colonies. Economically the French did well in Fur Trade while the British sold products to their colonies and acquired raw materials for their industries, getting products from their farms.
Both countries also used their colonial territories in Asia to serve as military bases when necessary.</span>
the power of the majority arises from the fact that in a democracy every individual is, politically, the equal of every other individual.
The Curies' friendly collaboration helped to unlock the
secrets of the atom.
To add, Marie Skłodowska
Curie, born Maria Salomea Skłodowska, was a Polish and naturalized-French
physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
<span>Marie moved to Paris to finish her studies there she met Pierre </span>Curie<span>, who was to be both her husband and colleague in the field
of radioactivity.</span>