The Iroquois civilization formed a confederation that may have impacted the US government.
Answer: Option A
Bruce Johansen says Iroquois had a typical form of government. The governing Committee of Six Nations was elected by men and women of the tribes, one member from each of the six nations. Assigning the same rights to each member ensured that no one would be overpowered, which roughly had the future system of mutual control in the United States.
Due to the Iroquois influence model on the American document development, such as the article of the Confederation and the US Constitution. The Iroquois, or Haudenosaunee, is a historically powerful alliance of north-eastern Native Americans confederacy in North America. In twentieth-century, historians had pointed out that the Iroquois government system influenced the development of the US government, although the extent and nature of this influence were questioned.
In the colonial years, the French called them as Iroquois League, then Iroquois Confederacy, and the English called them five nations consisting of Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Seneca. After 1722, they included Tuscarora from the southeast to their confederation because they also spoke Iroquois (the Six Nations now).
Om Prezi;;;The Knight and The Squire Differences and Similarities Similarities 1) They are family, the knight is the squire's father.
2) The Squire and Knight are both chivalrous and respectful, though the Squire is to a much lesser degree.
3)They are both courteous and humble, too.
4)Both the Knight and the squire are members of the Aristocrat class. Squire 1) A very vivacious, or lively, personality
can be compared to the modern day person, or a prince charming of sorts
2)Twenty year old lustful bachelor
<span>3)Stylish and Daring clothing </span>
(very short gown)
4)Perfectly curled hair
5)Selfish Outlook
6) Supposed to be a knight-in-training.
<span>7)Exaggeration of Falseness </span>
within the Squire Knight 1) Perfect Gentleman
2) Still dressed in undershirt and rust stained mail
3) Believes in the ideals of Chivalry
4) Honest, Truthful, and Faithful
5) Always well mannered
6) Professional Soldier
7) Chaucer gave an exaggeration of perfectness to the Knight dssdasdasfsa Differences 1) The Knight is a warrior, but the squire is more an artist (singing, poetry)
2) The Knight takes his duty very seriously, the squire is just along for the fun.
3)The squire is more concerned with his appearance and social status than the training his father is giving him.
4) Knight has much more experience (proven himself in battle, etc.) but the squire acts like he does not want the experiences. To the best of Chaucer's description, the knight is perfect at not only his job, but as a person also. Chaucer has nonstop praise for the Knight. He believes that the Knight is a profound person.
Chaucer views the Knight with great respect. He admires the Knight, and sees no negative in his personality. Chaucer sees the squire as an amusing and talented person, however also as a very bad squire. The squire is a failure because he is training to be a knight, but never wants to become one.
<span>Chaucer is amused by the squire, and cannot see him becoming a knight, but rather a lover and an artist. Chaucer might not see the squire as a bad person, but without a doubt he is a terrible squire.</span>
Direct Primary
an elected prior to the general election in which votes select the candidates who will run on party
According to John Locke, why would a person “put himself under the control of any person or institution,” like a government? Because your natural rights are constantly exposedto attack of others.
According to John Locke, a person would put himself in this thing called a society to be protected against others when he is indefensible.
B) love of country.
The quote from Garibaldi suggests that nationalism is closely tied to other characteristic: love of country.
The idea of nationalism implies the love of country. Nationalist people consider primarily the concerns of its country and its citizens. They defend their culture, its traditions, its bloodline, among other things. Garibaldi expresses the idea in correct terms when he said: “let him who loves his country in his hear and not from his lips only, follow me.” Nationalist wants to protect its country from foreign influences.
No, almost nothing is inevitable in history