No se puede conducir más rápido que el límite de velocidad publicado. No puede conducir más rápido de lo que es seguro para las condiciones actuales.
Words with the soft sound of the coconut
Food, cooking, and nutrition are related because all three focus on providing the proper nutrients to the body for proper function.
<h3>How are nutrition, cooking and food related?</h3>
These three terms are related because all three refer to one thing in common, food. According to this, it can be affirmed that these three terms are related. However, each one focuses on a specific sub-topic such as preparations, types of foods and their characteristics, and the nutritional characteristics and components of each food.
<h3>How does a new language influence knowledge about food?</h3>
Knowledge of a new language is related to food because it allows the chef, nutritionist or other professionals to interact with new cultures that will enrich their knowledge of food.
Learn more about nutrition in:
I can play basketball
yo puedo jugar baloncesto
I don't really understant ur question
The correct answer is D. naturopatía
Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural"