TRUE - Main Content should be created with time, effort, and expertise, and should not be copied from another source.
True -High quality Main Content (MC) allows the page to achieve its purpose well.
Web design and development is the creation of web pages.web pages can be static or links to multiple pages. A static web page has only one page and a site address. Multiple web pages, are series of related web pages linked together with a link tag line of code.
In a web page, a main content is the main information needed to be passed across by the programmer or blogger, it varies from page to page in a multiple web site. It must be unique and contain the main information of the web page.
A software EULA is an agreement related to the terms of use of the software
the terms of use of the software
EULA stands for End User License Agreement. It can be defined as an agreement related to the terms of use of the software. EULA provides the user with all the details and any restrictions that have been imposed on the application by the developer.
In order to use the software, the user has to agree with all the terms and conditions specified in the EULA. The most common restriction imposed on an application/software is that it shouldn't be shared with anyone, in proprietary software.
The image of truth table is attached.
In the truth table there is a separate table for the expression (A+B).C and for the expression (A.C)+(B.C) you can see in the truth table that the columns of (A+B).C is having same values as the (A.C)+(B.C).Hence we can conclude that (A+B).C is equal to (A.C)+(B.C).
3 parameters are passed into the function.
1 value will be returned from the function.
From the function definition "function sum(first, second, third)", we can see that there are three value/parameters are passed in the function.Then variable "result" will be the sum all the three values. After that it will print the all three values in new line. Then the function will return one value which is the sum of all three that is value of "result".As there is only one value returned by the return statement in the function.