<span>1) B. Greeting yourself is a paradoxical image. One greets others.
2) C. In "Love on Love" the writer uses paradox to support the theme of healing the wounds from a broken heart. After all, you are alone in this poem. The author is asking you to, paradoxically again, "give back your heart". This, like the earlier greeting, means you will be giving your heart back to yourself; presumably because you gave it to someone else before.</span>
Writers should include references to their research in an argument because it adds credibility to the argument to the argument they wish to prove.
Gregor does not want to leave. If he did want to leave, he would've left already without his mother having to remind him.
The Inquisition is the historical context that frames Poe’s short story.
The unnamed narrator has been sentenced to death and relates his violent experience, which despite being a fictional account of an unlikely event, it´s an accurate depiction of how violent the Inquisition was. In this sense, Inquisition is a great subject or setting for the genre of horror, given its explicitly violent events, which Poe enhances to conceive a suspenseful story, with only an implicit political agenda to condemn the Inquisition.