A recurring symbol in art is called...
A motif
The damage of sun exposure can accumulate over time ,leading to skin that looks prematurely aged.it cause wrinkles,dark spots,freckles,and other issues as well as pre- cancerous and cancerous lesions.
hope it will be hopeful
Tires hold heat, collect water, and encourage the growth of bacteria creating a perfect habitat for insects. These positive conditions within tires provide a microbiological paradise.
As it was possible to notice in the question presented above, the tire is an object that presents favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. This shows that the tire is a positive environment and benefits the proliferation of bacteria and other organisms that may have a parasitic and maleficent nature for human health. An environment that promotes conditions so favorable to the growth of bacteria can be considered a great microbiological paradise, since bacteria can find everything they need for their survival in large quantities.
This is fact because it holds no bias or opinion about the KFC "chickens."
Hope it helps!