Correr-el parque
Una camiseta-la tienda de ropa
Correcto Porque hay un pronombre, el imperartivo, y un verbo/accion, comes, y finalmente in adjetivo, mucho.
<h3>Possessive adjectives in Spanish are written as follows:</h3>
In Spanish the possessive adjectives are those that modify the noun by adding an idea of belonging or possession.
Unlike in English, in Spanish, possessive adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun of the possessed thing and not with the owner or possessor.
<h3>List of possessive adjectives of a single possessor:</h3>
First person:
mi, mío, mis, míos
Second person:
tu, su, tuyo, tus, sus, tuyos, suyos
Third person:
su, sus,
<h3>List of possessive adjectives of several owners:</h3>
First person:
nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
Second person:
su, vuestro, vuestra, sus, vuestros, vuestras
Third person:
su, sus
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