The glorious revolution of 1688 in Britain had given more
power to the House of Commons in parliament and to King William II and
Queen Mary II. The combination of the power from the parliament and the King and
Queen made the platforms of the government more credible and reliable.
I don't know if I'll type you a whole essay... but!
There are a lot of factors that contribute to the German army's early victories. One of the biggest is the amount of modernization that the German nation went through, they developed new weapons and vehicles that would help supplement their new Blitzkrieg tactics. Another factor is the fact that the Allied Nations (Britian and France) were doing their best to appease the aggressive German nation, they allowed them to breach the confines of the Treaty of Versailles and invade neighboring nations. Another factor is that Hitler had major ambitions and dreams for what he thought was possible and was in a position to have perhaps some of the greatest engineers this world has known create his crazy ideas, many of which crafted modern warfare.
Answer: Your family's wealth and your gender are the two factors that most strongly determine the amount of education a Roman child would recieve.
It is judicial branch I got you
Answer: Discrimination/Hate messages
Explanation: During integration, Ruby Bridges and several other Black children were essentially "shipped" to White schools. Parents from the school reacted aggressively, and pulled their children from the school districts. In some cases, parents (particularly mothers), would stand outside the school building and spit on them, shout death threats, throw feces, push them- pretty much anything they could to intimidate them.
I'll paste a link to a Ruby Bridges movie in the comments.
Hope this helps!