1. Quarter note
Eighth note
Quarter note
2.Quarter note
Dotted quarter note
3.Whole note
Answer: Yes because research provides us with knowledge on various problems that we may have in society. The better we understand these problems the easier it will be to solve the problem.
Though research can help us solve a problem it is not the ultimate solution. You can have all the knowledge in the world but if you don’t make an active change to make the world a better place then what’s the point.
The Bike lane
Your putting the bikers in danger by putting them on the side of the road. Also, the bikers might not be experienced bikers. You don't know who is inside the car and if they have a bad record, so they can easily hit the bikers. 600 to 800 bikers die each year because of cars.
1. The girl
2. To add depth, so people are drawn to the image.
3. The diagonal lines, because the help create a sense of movement and change.
1. It's a very simple concept that consists of placing your main subject somewhere near the lower, upper, left or right third of your photo scene. As you do this, your subject will become the focal point.
2. Background lines can also be used to create a sense of movement in your images, or to convey a sense of distance or depth. Converging lines that disappear into the distance are a great example of lines that help to draw the viewer into the image, while adding a sense of depth.
3. Good photographers are capable of creating images that naturally draw your eye along subtle, organic lines to a specific focal point. In order to achieve this effect, many skilled photographers use a compositional tool known as leading lines. Leading lines are incredibly effective at directing a viewer’s attention, and learning how to use them will greatly improve your photography composition.