Dumbshow, also dumb show or dumb-show, is defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English as "gestures used to convey a meaning or message without speech; mime." In the theatre the word refers to a piece of dramatic mime in general, or more particularly a piece of action given in mime within a play "to summarise, ...
behave or cause to behave in a wild and irrational way, typically because of the effects of extreme emotion or drugs.
The Yakama Indian Reservation (spelled Yakima until 1994) is a Native American reservation in Washington state of the federally recognized tribe known as the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation. The tribe is made up of Klikitat, Palus, Wallawalla, Wanapam, Wenatchi, Wishram, and Yakama peoples.
The answer is B. Introduce Subpoints
In writing, The definition pf transition is words and phrases that provide connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.
The purposes of a transition are "
- To improve the flow of the story or speech
- Establish connection
- Draw attention back to the speech
Ok I answered your previous question and the answer is: Diaz’s fear of the brothers controls his actions putting him in a box of fear it controlled him by making him not able speak up for himself. I have witnessed fear and the power it has over people it has the power to shun people and make them feel like they can’t do anything.