In the USA, it is in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
In other countries that keep a gold reserve, it is in a similar
guarded, high-security central facility.
3 x 2 x 4
=24 possible combinations
Describing and explaining the differences between a Country, Nation, and State below in brief detailed explanation.
While the titles country, state, and nation are frequently utilized correspondingly, there is a variation. A-State (remark the capital "S") is a self-governing administrative entity. The term State can be used correspondingly with the country. A nation, nevertheless, is a tightly-knit collection of people who share a general culture.
A. Democracy spread throughout the region
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe had slowly integrated a democratic government. This however does not mean it was perfect, most of them are corrupted but even Russia had declared itself a Republic after the end of the Communist Regime.