-cantidad de muertes anuales (causas naturales)
-cantidad de muertes anuales (causas no naturales)
-cantidad de inmigrantes anuales
-cantidad de emigrantes anuales
În timpul unei eclipse de Lună, Pământul trece între Lună și Soare, determinând Pământul să-și arunce umbra asupra Lunii.
Veți observa că umbra pe care o produce este rotundă. Chiar dacă Pământul ar fi plat, dar în formă de disc, nu ar arunca nici acest gen de umbră. „Singura formă care poate produce o umbră curbată, indiferent din ce direcție este plasată lumina, este o sferă”, explică Thaller.
Geographical centrality is an evolving concept that differs from one perspective to another at different stages. A spatial unit has strong centrality when its average distance to the other spatial units is closer in the region, and such centrality is based on geographical proximity.
Geographic Proximity way the states wherein such business is performed either at the start of the constrained duration or within the future.
They expect that geographical proximity implies high information correlation and nodes which can be toward every other pattern comparable values. as an example, nodes that measure temperature among 10–20° are in all likelihood to be in the direction of nodes that pattern temperature inside 20–30°.
Our foremost assumption is that geographical proximity eases coordination and understanding switch inside collaborations and will increase the possibility of achievement through lowering the expenses of personal contacts, leading to higher communique and know-how change situations, and the introduction of trust (Boschma 2005).
Geographical proximity definition: Geographical or geographic means involved with or regarding geography
The area from which you function will both inspire ability employees to apply to your process vacancies, or it'll discourage them and ship them walking for the hills (i.e. a business enterprise that is located in a miles more appropriate vicinity).
Learn more about Geographical proximity here:-brainly.com/question/24302836
Question- Where do most major earthquakes occur?
Choices To Choose From- (1)in the continental interiors
(2)at the mantle-core boundary
(3)randomly over the Earth's surface
(4)in specific earthquake belts
Answer- The correct answer is (4)In specific earthquake belts