When people countinue to lie, in the times they actually tell the truth, intead of lying, no one is going to believe them. As an exaple; the boy who cried wolf.
A. John F Kennedy, he used makeup to make himself look Fire on television and amazing for the american people
<em>D. Time measurement became more important as civilizations became more advanced.</em>
I finished the question
The answer is: A) men perceiving women as intellectually inferior.
First and most important, men shouldn´t be considered more or less intelligent than women. No scientific study has ever been able to prove that statement, and men have tried many times to do so.
The term different equals deficit is referred to an erroneous belief that something that goes against what is considered normal is inferior or bad. People tend to believe that themselves, their country, their race, their gender, etc., are better than others just because of who they are.
So in this specific case, men tend to discriminate the intellectual capacity of women based on the sole fact that they are women and not men.
The approach to evaluating the government’s growth strategy starts by ruling out two possible favorable events which an analyst cannot safely take as given. These favorable events would be: (1) a swift normalization of relations with the U.S.; and (2) the discovery and rapid exploitation of sizable oil fields. At the same time I also leave out possible events or shocks that could derail the growth strategy, for instance the swift cessation of concessional oil supplies and other business arrangements with Venezuela or a catastrophic weather event. Such events are not unlikely and will be dealt with in a following section.
It is clear from actions and statements by the government that the new approach to growth and development features two factors, the improved use of human capital and a new opening to foreign investment. A better use of labor and associated human capital is at the heart of the shift of employment from the state sector to the private sector. As of 2013 the share of output of the non-cooperative private sector was about 24% of GDP.2 The other key mechanism to improve utilization of Cuba’s considerable endowment of human capital is by way of the export of services of health and other professionals. Such non-tourism services exports have boomed from 3.2% of GDP in 2000 to 14.3% in 2012 according to official Cuban data (ONE, 2013 and previous issues).