Hi !!
1- Fernand est le mari d'Alice (F. is Alice's husband)
2- Daniel et Sonia sont les cousins de Louis (D etS are Louis's cousins)
(In French , Masculine gets over Feminine for Plurals =
des cousins = masculine plural or M+F plural
dess cousines = feminine plural)
3- Alice et Gloria sont les filles d'anne et Paul. (A and G are A and P's daughters .
grand-mère = grandmother
grand-père = grandfather
demi-frère = half brother or stepbrother (not sure if there's any difference in English ...)
père = father
mère = mother
tante = aunt
oncle = uncle
sœur = sister
frère = brother
cousin(e) = cousin
belle-mère = stepmother , or, mother-in-law
beau-père = stepfather or father-in-law
belle-fille = daughter-in- law
gendre = son-in-law
petites-filles = grand-daughters
petits-fils = grandsons
nièce = niece
neveu(x) = nephew(s)
stepmother or stepfather are after a remarriage, when becoming second spouse, or second husband.
Mother-in-law and father-in-law are mother or father of your husband or wife...
Hope I helped :)
The correct Possessive Adjectives in French to fill in each of the given blanks are respectively: <em>"mon, ma, mon, mes, ton, ton, tes, ta, sa, son, ses, son."</em>
<h3>What are the
Possessive Adjectives in
The possessive adjectives, taking into account the personal pronouns and if it refers to a male, female singular or plural, are respectively:
- <em>Je:</em> mon / ma / mes
- <em>Tu:</em> ton / ta / tes
- <em>Il:</em> son / sa / ses
- <em>Elle: </em>son / sa / ses
- <em>On:</em> son / sa / ses
- <em>Nous:</em> notre / notre / nos
- <em>Vous:</em> votre / votre / vos
- <em>Ils/Elles:</em> leur / leur / leurs
To identify the appropriate possessive adjective in each case, you must identify the noun in the sentence, also its gender and number, and finally use the corresponding possessive adjective with the help of the guide above.
More information about French: brainly.com/question/27902350
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Le meilleur endroit pour acheter des produits frais en France est le supermarché.
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- False<em> (in some shops, as boulangerie, boucherie, crèmerie, ... )</em>