A decomposer is a hetrotroph i cant explain it though because im horrible at explaining things
central nervous system
because it is under control of our brain
The insects clustered around the light is an example of A response to a stimulus. The insects are attracted to the light, so the flocked towards it.
Cold front brings a sudden drop in temperature sometimes with hail , thunder , and lightning . Warm fronts bring gentle rain or light snow , followed by warmer , milder weather . Stationary front brings a cold and warm air together and neither air mass has the force to moved the other . Occluded front brings a warm air mass that gets caught between two cold air masses .
The time difference between the occurrences of two peaks is the period of the wave. The time difference between two consecutive black dots marked also gives the period of the wave. Generally, symbol ‘T’ is used to denote period in physics. Unit of measuring period is seconds (s).