Catholicism is a hierarchal religion
Basically, it wouldn't sense the vertical ground motion!
The spring basically is the cause of the measurement ability! Without the spring, it wouldn't sense it.
The correct answers are as follows:
1. The type of cloud that usually signify fair weather is CUMULUS.
There are different types of clouds and they can be used as an instrument to predict the type of weather a place is going to experience in a given time. Cumulus cloud has some characteristic properties; they have white puffy appearance, each cloud has a flat base and a rounded top. The cloud usually move in an upward direction and it can grow into giant cloud that will result in thunderstorm. Their appearance signifies fair weather.
2. The type of cloud that usually brings precipitation is NIMBUS. The Nimbus cloud usually form dark colored, wet looking layers, that are typically associated with precipitation. The precipitation can be light or moderate. The cloud can also result in continuous rain or snow.
3. The arrangement of the clouds from the highest to lowest are as follows: CIRRUS, ALTOCUMULUS, STRATUS AND FOG.
Cirrus is an high level cloud, altocumulus is a middle level cloud, stratus is a low level cloud and the fog is the closest to the earth surface.
4.The type of cloud that occasionally produce precipitation is STRATUS.
The stratus cloud is usually an even gray colored cloud, it normally covers the entire sky. This type of cloud can sometime brings about precipitation or light drizzle.
5. My show was not cancelled, it was renewed.
Prime Time Television usually carries out a review of their shows every season and most of the their shows usually get dropped off for a new ones during a new season. Approximately 80% of Prime Time shows are usually removed every season while only about 20% is renewed. My favorite show is part of the renewed ones for this season.
The giant continent was called...
a. Pangaea
Option (C)
CO₂ is one of the main green house gases on earth. A small increase in its concentration can lead to significant changes on earth. When the incoming solar radiations are incident on the earth's surface, some of the energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and the earth's surface. And some of the energy from the land surface after absorption is released into the atmosphere in the form of infrared radiations. The escaping of these radiations from earth is directly dependent on the concentration of CO₂. An increase in the amount of CO₂ will not allow these IR radiations to be removed, and this will result in the global rising of the temperature, leading to catastrophic changes.
Thus, the correct answer is option (C).