W h o? ? ? B t w t h a n k s f o r t h e p o i n t s h e h e•••
Answer: These fairy rings are probably poisonous mushrooms left by fairies last night
Most experts agree that only 30% of all new jobs are ever advertised. That means that the majority of opportunities never make it to the job boards. And typically, the more senior the position, the less likely the job is to be advertised.
Free Verse as it is free from the usual conventions of poetry
1. Polyphemus's home is organized and somewhat tidy compared to his fellow Cyclops. He had arranged his livestock in groups and divided them by age, he also had his own way of creating food and cheese through his livestock, which showed that he was smart and civilized enough to make use of his resources.
2. The wine was a method to help Odysseus and his men escape from the Cyclops. Odysseus offered the wine in hopes that it would put the Cyclops to sleep or even slow it down enough to give him some time to steal from him and run away.
3. After he had blinded Polyphemus, Odysseus planned to tie his rams together and use them to escape when Polyphemus let them out to graze in the morning.