Neither do I but I’m gonna go ahead and snatch the points
To clearly see specimens under the microscope, and to be able to see two separate objects that are close together.
A microscope is a tool that makes an object look bigger so that the person who is looking at it can see it. It's important to use a microscope because cells are usually too small to see with the naked eye. In addition to magnification, microscopes also have resolution, which is the ability to see two objects that are close together as separate. A microscope needs both magnification and resolution to be able to clearly see specimens under the microscope. When the light microscope bends light at the specimen, it gives the viewer a clear picture of the specimen. A series of lenses do this.
The urinalysis
results for Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) are usually available
within 72 hours. However, sometimes it will be ready in as little as 24 hours. When
something is revealed in the test results, the system flags it for further
review by the authorized command officials.