Clipper Chip Kerberos National Information Infrastructure (NII)
The Clipper chip was developed by the NSA (National Security Agency) for enciphering and deciphering messages. It was promoted for voice transmission in telecommunications companies. The Clipper chip was announced in 1993, not all consumers and manufacturers embraced it and only last to 1996.
Following are the code in the C Programming Language.
//set integer datatype variable
int score;
//check condition is the score is in the range of 0 to 100
if(score > 0 && score < 100){
//print if condition is true
printf("Valid test scores");
//otherwise print the following string.
printf("test scores are Invalid");
<u>Following are the description of the code.</u>
In the following code that is written in the C Programming Language.
- Set an integer data type variable i.e., score.
- Then, set the if conditional statement to check the condition is the variable "score" is greater than 0 and less the 100.
- If the following statement is true then print "Valid test scores".
- Otherwise, it print "test scores are Invalid".
The answer is B.
<span> desktop publishing program must be able to take text and graphics from a number of sources and allow these elements to be arranged on a page.
The main purpose of a destkop publishing program is to aid user in creating documents using its page layout so it could generate printable media with higher quality compared to the one that is handmade.</span>
Networks prevent unauthorized access to data and protect equipment. Networked computers are less likely than single computers to suffer equipment failure. Networks allow computers to connect quickly and to share data or equipment.