Why you should were a mask Yes, masks are a simple, but critical tactic, in slowing the spread of the virus, so it’s crucial we wear masks to protect ourselves and others . Masks can protect you from getting exposed to the virus. They can also prevent you from spreading the virus to others — this is particularly important if you're asymptomatic. if you care for our future then you should protect it when doing this act of wearing a mask then others are to feel the need to do the same this causes a change and now we aren't just protecting others but we are now saving ourselfs now we can sleep knowing you will be alive tomorrow
Below, we list 6 strategies that you can use to improve your rhetoric, which is the use of language, spoken or written, to persuade an audience:
- Improve vocabulary by reading more and listening to speeches.
- Practice intonation.
- Use gestures mindfully.
- Structure the speech or text in a way that flows easily, to enhance comprehension by the audience.
- Find solid evidence to back up the claim and arguments.
- Avoid fallacies.
<h3>What is rhetoric?</h3>
Rhetoric is the use of written or spoken language with the purpose of convincing people of something. Rhetoric is a powerful tool to have in life, from being able to convince your parents to let you go to your friend's house to being able to persuade your boss to give you a raise or promotion.
For good rhetoric, one must use strategies and techniques. It is crucial to speak well and clearly, to move and gesticulate in a way that is not aggressive or invasive, to provide strong evidence to support one's arguments, and so on. That is why we believe the list of strategies provided as an answer above to be correct.
Learn more about rhetoric here:
Our school broke up for the winter vacations. One day I went to Vandalur zoo with my friends. The entry was by tickets. We went up several steps to purchase the tickets. Then we entered the zoo.
We walked up and down. A deep canal ran parallel to the footpath. Beyond the canal there were small trees. The cages of the birds were hanging down the branches of the trees. Their multi-coloured feathers gleamed into sunlight.
Next we saw a small water pond with many kinds of birds swimming in it. It was interesting to see new birds in an enclosure. They twittered, chirped and whistled. They presented nature’s voice. It was pleasing indeed to hear them. We saw many birds there - sparrows, nightingales and owls of different colours set in the closed cage. The owls sat with closed eyes lost in thoughts. We bade a silent farewell to those philosophers among birds and walked on.
We visited the tigers, lions and bears shut in cages. We saw some hippos and also a rhino. We heared the loud roar of a lion. One tiger was in a fit of anger. The tiger was strong and handsome. I was reminded of Blake’s lines.
“What immortal hand or eye dare frame the fearful symmetry?"
Then we enjoyed a boat cruise. I enjoyed it most. We also saw many other fauna like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, fish ad a hundred other creatures. They all felt at home in the zoo. Last of all we saw different kinds of monkeys.
We passed many happy hours in the zoo. It was a pleasing experience for all of us.