my joints worked together and my leg muscles helped me from falling over. when you sit or stand you use the muscles in your legs to push up off the chair or to sit back down
Here are the chronological events:
1. <span>humans survived by hunting and gathering.
2. </span><span>the the neolithic revolution occurred,
3. </span><span>people could farm and store a surplus of food,
</span><span>4. advanced civilizations developed
</span>The advancaement in agricultural technology became the turning point in human history because it allow humans to modify food availability in order to sustain our survival, which lead to massive population growth and safety over period of time.
Congress decides the President
Tank, any heavily armed and armoured combat vehicle that moves on two endless metal chains called tracks. Tanks are essentially weapons platforms that make the weapons mounted in them more effective by their cross-country mobility and by the protection they provide for their crews.
- EIjiro <3