The answer is life. It is because operant conditioning is used everyday on young children's life as this enables them to behave in a way their behavior is being shaped and controlled as show reinforcements such as positive or negative in terms of behavior-- this is needed, in order for a child to know where his or her behavior stands and the consequences it leads to.
William Dunbar, ‘To the City of London’.
London, thou art of townes A per se.
Soveraign of cities, seemliest in sight,
Of high renoun, riches and royaltie;
Of lordis, barons, and many a goodly knyght;
Of most delectable lusty ladies bright;
Of famous prelatis, in habitis clericall;
Of merchauntis full of substaunce and of myght:
London, thou art the flour of Cities all …
Two negative effects of deflation 1 increase unemployment 2 decreases in Demand
Yes, i believe your answer is correct, it will be very likely that you'll find it in the Christian and possibly the Jewish display.
These kinda displays usually showed you several form of artifacts or documents from historical religious period.