A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into the room and said “ I heard that, too”. As the moment she saw her mum’s face she realised she was wearing a donut mask, she tried pulling it but it was all slimy and stuck like super glue. She started to breathe heavily as she started to suffocate, and there she saw the bloody, drenched mon..
I hope this helps. LOl
He says this to reassure ralph that things will be ok. Simon is one of the most sensitive characters in the book and becomes aware of Ralph's worry. This is also an example of the books theme of herd mentality and social reliance since simon is aware of the effect his words and examples have on the others.
Isn't it like this:
Small room in a police station. It somewhat resembles a doctor's waiting room, but not as comfortable. There is a row of 6 chairs and a counter. On the counter is a clipboard with a pencil attached with string and a "front desk" bell. Behind the counter is a computer generated sign that reads: "PLEASE SIGN IN".
In the poem The Raven, the speaker seems paranoid and desperate. he claims to be hearing strange noises from outside his room as well as claiming that the spirit of his loved one, Eleanor, has come back to him.
The regal entertainment group? THE regal entertainment group?
Well, you probably want to work there because it's a pretty stable company and has very low chances of crashing, which means you probably will have a job for the rest of your life. Also, many people get entertained by this famous group, so you probably would earn more than minimal wage.