In a deep wound, there might be a few layers of tissue that need to be rebuilt because they were lost. In this rebuilding process this pebbly texture can be seen and it indicates that granulation is taking place (that's the process). Granulation is when small blood vessels and capillaries start to develop vertically to the outside part of the wound, being supported by connective tissue, and surrounded by cells of many other types for different purposes, such as immunitary functions or specialised tissue functions. This tissue growing is characteristic of healing and it presents this granulated/pebbly texture to it.
regulates the menstrual cycle
The other 2 answers are apart of the reproductive system
<span>Enzymes antibodies and clotting compounds are made of proteins, in which these proteins generally exist in different forms and a common example of it are the amino acids. To add up, these enzyme antibodies aids the immune system by serving as a catalytic antibody producing a hapten molecule.</span>
“The test of any theory is whether or not it provides answers to basic questions. Some well-meaning but misguided people think evolution is a reasonable theory to explain man’s questions about the universe.”Where did the space for the universe come from? Witch can be experimented to answer.