"sudo" is the command to get super user or root privileges in linux.
in order to install package with root privilege in linux, the command would be
sudo apt-get install <package name>
Webmail allows the users to access their emails as long as they have access to an Internet connection and a web browser. This also means that the user cannot read an old email or draft a new email offline.
The insertion sort is based on repetition of comparing one data array (or element in a list) with the others at its left to reorganize it, normally following a size criteria (from small to big or the other way around).
At each iteration, the algorithm takes one element and compares it one by one to the others until it fit the specified criteria. Later on, it creates a space, moving the other elements, to insert it. Later, it goes to the next element and the iteration repeats all the way through. It has some advantages over other sorting algorithms because it is easy to deploy and program it in many different languages, but at the same time it can be terribly slow when sorting large amount of data.
I believe the answer is in the question, web server. although I may be wrong