Answer: it means shut your stupid as$ muth and pay attention in class and stop cheating on this website
The main reason the Catholic Church opposed the teaching of heliocentrism as a fact was that it was contrary to the science of the time. Amongst the modern myths about early science is the persistent idea that the opposition to heliocentrism was one of "science" versus "religion".
Je vais au cinéma.
Je pratique du sport ( football, ping-pong, tennis)
Je vais de la broderie sur soie.
J'écoute de la musique.
Je lis des romans.
Je fais de la peinture.
<span>I go to the cinema.
I sport (football, table tennis, tennis)
I embroidery on silk.
I'm listening to music.
I read novels.
<span>I am painting.</span></span>
Il porte une veste grise et neuve