Here's the thing: President Lincoln had absolutely no way to actually enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a mere gesture.
Now, he had his reasons for making such a gesture.
For one, Lincoln hoped that, when the slaves heard that they had been granted their freedom, the sudden wave of freedmen, as they would come to be called, would help disrupt the war effort.
Perhaps some of these freedmen would join the Union army. That was another small reason.
As for why he didn't extend the Proclamation to the entire country...well, the thing was, he planned to.
Lincoln's greatest ambition was to free the slaves. But even in the North, there existed strong racism. Plus, some Northerners had slaves too, and Lincoln needed the North's support, not only to win the war, but also to support the Thirteenth Amendment he planned to propose after the war ended. This Thirteenth Amendment would make outlaw slavery in the United States forever.
Because they don't want everything out.
The life of a slave was often as unbearable as a life can be. They could not be sure they will not be killed at any instant, without a warning, or tortured, or even forced to torture others.
Some slaves probably favoured death to their fate, and felt that even a slight chance at improvement was worth the risk. Perhaps they hoped they would be either killed or freed, and not tortured, and perhaps they would be tortured anyway by their cruel masters, In a way, for many escape was they only option that offered any sort of hope for a bearable life for them.
Michelangelo was the artist that produced this work