Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to three types of poems.
Poems refer to the words collection which expresses an emotion or an idea by using metaphor and imagery mainly. The poem has many different types and each type has a different rhyme scheme, format and subject matter.
On the types mentioned above examples of such type of poems are:
The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe)- Narrative poem.
Perfect Woman (William Wordsworth)- Descriptive poem.
Soul of the Dead (Gary Bateman)- Reflective poem.
atlas it sounds cooler but I don't know what your oc looks like
Shakespeare's chief source for Macbeth was Holinshed's Chronicles (Macbeth), who based his account of Scotland's history, and Macbeth's particular, on the Scotorum Historiae, written in 1527 by Hector Boece. im pretty sure this is right
you are right with your answer
c is right