Nitrogen is present in the atmosphere in a molecule form about 78 percent. This nitrogen comes to the earth with the water through rainfall. Some nitrogen fix by beneficial microorganisms such as Cyanobacteria and Azotobactor which are present in the roots of higher plants. These microorganisms convert nitrogen molecule into nitrates and used by the plants. There are some other microorganisms which again convert nitrate into nitrogen molecules, called denitrifying bacteria and nitrogen molecule goes to the atmosphere again and complete the cycle.
Alveolar walls are thin to enable the quick passage of oxygen in and out of the lungs. The lungs works hand-in-hand with the heart and also is responsible in converting blood that's de-oxygenated into an oxygenated blood that is usable by the organ systems of the body. The alveolar walls are also designed to have thin membranes so that it can expand and constrict quickly allowing us to breather properly.
One-half of the daughters of an affected man would have this condition.
Each daughter born to a woman that is positive for a dystrophin mutation on one of her two X chromosomes possess a 50 percent likelihood of possessing the mutation and also becoming a carrier. Carriers at times do not show the disease symptoms but may give birth to a child that has the mutation or the disease condition. DMD carriers do have a higher chance of cardiomyopathy.
A man with DMD cannot transfer the affected gene to his sons since he passes to his son a Y chromosome, not the X chromosome. But he will definately transfer it to his daughters, since each daughter possess her father’s only X chromosome resulting in the daughters being carriers.
Hence, One-half of the daughters of an affected father and a carrier mother could have this condition.