The book that brought to light the abuses in the united states meatpacking industry in the early 20th century is the Upton Sinclair’s the jungle book. The book jungle is written in 1906 by Upton Sinclair which is an american journalist and novelist. Sinclair composed the novel to describe the exacting circumstances and demoralized lives of settlers in the united states in Chicago and alike developed cities. On the other hand, most readers were more apprehensive with his revelation of health violations and unsanitary activities in the american meatpacking industry throughout the early 20th century importantly donating to a public outcry which ran to improvements as well as the meat inspection act.
This phrase is attributed to Protagoras, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher. Although the phase is open to interpretation, one of its possible meanings is the fact that humans are at the center of all existence. Moreover, human perception is the standard of objectivity by which everything else is measured. Therefore, this phrase implies that there is no "force" or "being" outside of humans that can provide us with answers to the questions of existence.
This view is closer to that of Greek religion than to that of Hebrew religion, Judaism. Judaism believes in an <em>objetive</em> truth and <em>objective</em> moral rules, contained in the Torah. Moreover, Jews believe that there is one single God, which is omnipotent and all-knowing, and therefore truth emanates from him and not from men.
On the other hand, Greek religion contains many different gods, all of which are imperfect. This suggests that the behaviour or "teachings" of the gods cannot provide us with an objective truth. Humans need to create their own moral codes and their own assumptions about the world in order to establish their societies. Moreover, gods participate very little in human life and when they do they often create chaos or are defeated, suggesting that gods are fallible and cannot control the whole world. These assumptions mean that Greeks believe humans are significantly autonomous and independent from gods, allowing them to believe that they are at the center of all knowledge and experience.
He created new federal agencies to deal with specific needs of the troops and home front
They formed a government, wrote a constitution, and adopted some white ways.