After the song, Wealhtheow, Hrothgar 's queen, offers the gold mead cup to Hrothgar and tells him to be generous to Beowulf and the other Geats. She then turns to her nephew Hrothulf and her sons Hrethic and Hrothmund, who are sitting next to Beowulf.She reminds her nephew that Hrothgar took him in when he was a child, and says she knows Hrothulf will repay her sons well.
- Disapproving of gossip and badmouthing, so the friend can feel uncomfortable and stop doing such harmful things
- Forming a study group/competing for better and higher grades
- Tutoring other students to share knowledge
- Encouragement to join different clubs with special interests (Debate, drama, computer science, etc...)
- Saving money to buy things/getting a job together.
i copied pasted now what do i do
Answer:LIne 310 because it says "By rumor as the Ultima Thule of all their punishments"
Hope i helped :)