it sounds like the middle of the day like 12-3pm also one of the patterns is that the poem is listing animals,bugs,insects,fish,amphibians ect.
1: it sound like the middle of the day/afternoon because every animal,insect, amphibian,fish ect usually come out at that time because it's the perfect weather also since every animal ect. comes out there would be food for the carnivores and plant eaters
2:don't you notice how it keeps listing animals,insects,bugs, amphibians,fish ect.
Where are the questions to this ?
By Thanksgiving (which is around chapter 8)
She becomes popular after winning an oratorical contest.
It similarities make best friends, that is because that I like to play video games and my friends like to play too, then we have many things do together, like I will play the game with he/she, he/she will let me eat lunch in their house after we play the game, we will watch movie together, but all this things is before the virus, all the things will be back to normal when the virus is gone, so I will excited when the news said that the vaccines had been invented, so soon the virus will gone.