Some of the things that worms eat include dead plants, live plants, dead animals, animal poop, and other microscopic animals. After they eat, they grind up and digest their food and pass the rest as waste, called castings, which go back into the soil and help plants grow and stay healthy.
Whale skeletons support so much life because they contain an enormous amount of oil. Before this happens, they must release enough eggs or larvae so that some tiny proportion will be transported by the ocean currents and survive until they can find and colonize another whale carcass.
atleast trying to make it renewable as possible, not use it too much, not taking the non renewable one, possibly find a new place that have the enough resource and.. maybe going further into space to use it resource
Two human activities that increase the rate of erosion include farming and deforestation. Both make the top cover of the soil loose making it very easy for it to be carried away by agents of erosion such as wind and water. On the other hand, two natural events that can lead to increased <span>erosion rate include floods and earthquake.</span>
Un médico es una persona con formación medicinal y sanitaria, que está autorizada para practicar la medicina. La profesión médica cubre la prevención, detección, tratamiento y postratamiento de enfermedades, dolencias o problemas de salud y también incluye actividades de formación a los pacientes, para que estos lleven a cabo conductas que permitan proteger su salud. Así, un médico debe tomar en cuenta todas aquellas acciones que propendan a la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades de sus pacientes, así como la detección de anomalías en la salud de los mismos.