1. Daedalus was imprisoned in the tower to prevent the knowledge of his labyrinth from spreading to the public.
2. The problem Daedalus faced after he escaped his cell was getting stuck on an island.
In 2081, everyone is equal not only in the eyes of the law but in every way; nobody is smarter, more athletic, better looking, etc. than anyone else. hazel is of average intelligence, which means she can't think about anything except in short bursts, and george has an intelligence way above normal.
D) Ethos
These lines are from J. F. Kennedy's speech announcing the assassination of Martin Luther King. In these lines J. F. Kennedy is making an appeal to audience's ethics. The ethics are a community's or society's guiding beliefs. The sentence,<em>"</em><em>to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Let us dedicate ourselves to that"</em> is making an appeal to audience's ethics.
Pathos are appeals to emotions, while logos is appeal to reasoning/logic.
There is no such word as "rhetros" to mean any appeal to something in a speech.