There are two types of tonalities (or keys) in tonal music: major and minor. The accidentals--sharps and flats--most used in keys are standard so they are often written as key signatures to avoid cluttering the music score with too many accidental signs.
Answer: 88rising is a label including rich brian, joji, keith ape and rich brian and keith ape are rappers, while joji is more alt. pop. i like joji and rich brian a lot and if you like that kind of music, i would suggest them strongly. if you’re up to it i would also recommend bts, who isn’t for everyone but there’s no harm in listening to a few songs
2move Dance Company – Miquel de Jong & Kevin Polak, ADs – Shiedam, NETHERLANDS10 & 10 Danza – Pedro Berdäyes & Mónica Runde, ADs – SPAIN
6th Day Dance – Lyndee Breece, AD – Redmond, WA, USA
2Faced Dance Company – Miranda Wells & Tamsin Fitzgerald, ADs – Herefordshire, ENGLAND
7 ARTS – collaborative AD – Brooklyn, NY, USA
…And Still Dancing – Martin A. David, AD – San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA