Imagination can overcome reason when for example a person is paranoid about someone or something and conjures up possible fearful situations or scenarios that could result from being in that situation or with such and such people when in fact the actual living of that situation is usually far less fearful than imagined but it can immobilize a person if he/she succumbs to their imagination.
"Ralph becomes upset that he and Simon are doing all of the work, realizing that everyone else is “bathing, or eating, or playing.”
Depends on how you wanna start it
"Piggy criticizes the others for letting the fire spread outside the fire-pit by asking, “How can [they] expect to be rescued if [they] don’t put first things first and act proper?” This leads to a confrontation on the mountain between Jack and Piggy which Ralph must diffuse."
Which details ? ........................
This argument makes you think about the welfare and future of the student, and schools are supposed to prepare you for the future. With this reasoning, there aren't too many counter-arguments to this.