Women were expected to cook clean and do house chores. They ere often seen as less important and didn't have a say in much that went on. After the industrial revolution, more women began to work in factories and proved they could work just as well as men. This push was especially popular during WWII when many men were gone fighting.
Police officers should wear body cameras to protect not just themselves but also civilians. If police officers regularly wore cameras the state would be able to look the at the footage if something questionable ever happened. The state would be able to see if the officer was abusing his/her powers or if they were just acting in self-defense. Then, in most cases, the person at blame would be clear. Then, civilians could get justice for the family or if the officer was just acting in self-defense they would not be punished. In conclusion, police officers should wear body cameras for everyone's safety.
Many Europeans came to America but the most important was England because it lead to the United States being formed.
The reason behind this answer is that even though the English were no the first ones to land into America, the continent. They were important because when they landed on the northeastern American coast they opened access to what would become the United States of America. Thus, they are still important and relevant after arriving in America in the last place.