Social services are a range of public services provided by the government, private, profit and non-profit organisations. These public services aim to create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and promote equality and opportunity. Social services include the benefits and facilities like education, food subsidies, health care, police, fire service, job training and subsidized housing, adoption, community management, policy research, and lobbying
Answer: Belief systems are a part of the environmental side of the coin. Humans accumulate thousands of beliefs throughout our lifetime, about all aspects of life. We gain them through things that other people say to us, things we hear on the news, things we read, or any other external influences that we are exposed to.
<span>Cross-cultural research suggests that definitions of deviance vary across cultures and change often.
Cross-cultural means that there are differences you notice between cultures when you compare and contrast them to one another. Deviance is when you are violating social norms. Each culture has their own set of socially accepted norms and they vary across cultures because of their society differences.
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We thought it was a joke, but it ended up to be better for Alexandria than Brown vs. Board," Boone told the Alexandria school district's Express news outlet in May. "We were as different as night and day. But he and I found a way to talk to each other and trust each other. In the end, he was the best friend I ever had."