A bar code symbol typically consists of five parts: a quiet zone, a start character, data characters (including an optional check character), a stop character, and another quiet zone.
The answer would be like this, using MLA format for in-text citations:
In order for you to know a person, you must first know his past, and especially the people, and circumstances, that shaped him/her into what he/she has become: "everything we are and all that we do can be traced back, in one way or another, to early influences..." (Monroe 35). Parents, relatives, very close and special people, and also circumstances, are the most important background information for someone to say they know anyone. In this man´s particular case, it is four main figures who become the framework, of who he is: "In my case, four figures from my childhood helped to make me who I am... my father, my mother, my grandmother, and my grandfather." (Monroe 35), because of the roles that they played in his life, and the way they impacted him: "... each giving me a gift that is unique..." (Monroe 35). And it is only through knowing about them, and how they played that role in his life that anyone can understand who he is (Monroe 35).
Answer: I think that jack hits piggy to assert dominance and show piggy that they are not at the same level.
Explanation: Jack is the type of guy that shows power by putting down the weak or the people in the lowest of the food chain. For example, Jack is rude to littleuns piggy, and also Ralph (because ralph is in the way of jake ruling).
This is just my guess, but maybe it's because the dictators use their words to climb up and become one?
For example, Adolf Hitler was in the congress for a long time before he became a dictator. He talked and gave lots of speeches that the Germans (At the time) thought were good, so they slowly trusted him and unfortunately let him become dictator.
I wouldn't use this as an answer to a quiz or test, though.
Because running an ad for a lost nose would make the newspaper look silly