On "First Arrow Day" he had successfully constructed a straight-shooting arrow, and on "First Rabbit Day" he had killed his first rabbit, using similar methods as he had used to kill the fool bird. He who knows that power is inborn, that he is weak because he has looked for good out of him and elsewhere, and so perceiving, throws himself unhesitatingly on his thought, instantly rights himself, stands in the erect position, commands his limbs, works miracles; just as a man who stands on his feet is stronger than a man who stands on his head. It tells us that Brian is a very opinionated and curious character, that loves doing new things but the right way.
The meaning of Martin Luther King is how the person the lerson lived not how long the person lived, is most important
Answer: The popular 1818 novel that had the sub-title "The Modern Prometheus" is <em>Frankenstein.</em>
Explanation: <em>Frankenstein </em>is a novel written by Mary Shelley, an English author; however, it was first published anonymously in 1818. "The Modern Prometheus" used to be the sub-title of this novel, but it is no longer included in most of its modern editions<u>. This sub-title makes reference to the Greek myth of Prometheus, who is conceived as a hero</u>. In the myth, <u>Prometheus rebels against the gods by stealing fire in order to give it to the humans</u>.
An oxymoron is the literary device used by Romeo in that passage.
1. if we didn't save money, eventually we wouldn't have any. Therefore we wouldn't be able to buy food or water. Because we can't afford anything we would die. (Sad, but true.)
2. Savings can help us a lot. if we don't save and go blow a bunch of money then when we need to pay bills and such we won't have enough. Then you could lose your house and more because you didn't pay.
3. There are a lot of emergencies that happen. If no one ever saved then you might find yourself in a life or death situation, but don't have money and therefore lose a lot.
4. If you didn't save then someone comes and demolishes your car then your out of luck, but if you save and prepare for the future then it would still be a big loss, but you can still go get a new car and still be able to travel to places you need.
5. if we never save then we could find ourselves in a lot of trouble. There are a number of things that could happen. If we save we can also save ourselves from a lot of trouble.