try this script bro
(Get-ChildItem –Path C:\Folder).Encrypt()
simply microsoft just use encrypt() & decrypt() words in script to act doing the method encrypting & decrypting.
but i suggest you to use the windows gui features , its more easier. just right click on your folder target , go to properties then click advanced button , checklist encrypt box.
Answered below
A business such as an online store like Amazon can collect user data like name, address, mouse clicks on products, how long users stay on page viewing a particular product, marital status, education and many more.
These data are used by these businesses to drive decision-making that enhances the sale of their goods. For instance, adverts and search alternatives about a particular good can be shown to people who have looked at them before. A newly married or pregnant woman would be shown baby products etc.
Virtualization. To enable easy deployment and scalability, it should be easy to spin up new machines on request. Virtualization offers the possibility to clone operating systems and deploy solutions independent of the actual hardware.
Clock (int hours, boolean isTicking, int diff) // constructor clock
this.hours = hours;
// set the instance variable hours
this.isTicking = isTicking;
// set the boolean variable isTicking
this.diff =diff;
//set the instance variable diff
Here we declared a constructor clock which has 3 parameter hours,boolean isTicking,and diff.
The int hours, diff is of int type and isTicking is of boolean type. In this constructor, we set the instance variables values by using this keyword.