The effect of the Cold War in Guatemala was that Castillo Armas outlawed the communists, imposed a harsh military dictatorship, and set off an era of repression that has still to end in Guatemala. More than 200,000 persons have been killed in Guatemala from 1954 to the present by anti-communist regimes. In Chile, the result of the Cold War brought Fidel Castro to power...
Media saturation is the constant bombardment of media whether it be tv, magazines, radio, ads etc definition saturated something that completely soaked, or filled to brim and cannot take any more.
Most likely the second choice.
The Democratic Party split between moderate Democrats and Radical Democrats (who were for slavery). Douglas was the moderate Democrat candidate. Buchanan represented the angry southerners. 2 political candidates resulted in the Democrats' chances of winning less likely. This resulted in Lincoln winning the Presidency.
The Italian cities states cut off from the trade with Asia lost power and wealth. Florence with its wool trade with England and northern Europe became the most powerful city state in Italy. Trade with Asia was and still is vital to the wealth and power of nations. With trade the Italian City States prospered