How does a soliloquy differ from an aside? ... During a soliloquy, only the character making the speech is present onstage, while during an aside, others characters may be present onstage. A soliloquy is the opening scene of a play, while an aside is the closing scene of the play
Greek values of family and perseverance are affirmed by Penelope and her fidelity at Odysseus' return to his kingdom.
In the epic poem Odyssey the protagonist is touted to return to his home from the Trojan war which he does more than ten years late from the other kings who went to wage war, which is a time of 20 years.
This whole time, Penelope his queen was not even sure if he had been alive or not but she kept persevering through the difficult time and stayed loyal to her husband despite the suitors that had surrounded their kingdom to ask for her favor or takeover from her.
When a reader knows more information than a character in a work, the author uses dramatic irony. A writer may use this literary device to build suspense, create tension, or sustain a reader's interest. ... Consequently, the words or actions of the unsuspecting character contradict the actual situation