El romanticismo. El Romanticismo es un movimiento cultural y político originado en Alemania y en el Reino Unido (Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del norte) a finales del siglo XVIII como una reacción revolucionaria contra el racionalismo de la Ilustración y el Clasicismo, confiriendo prioridad a los sentimientos.
No se de que se trata el cuento pero digo que es D. From the room where the mummies lay
You use preterite to describe an action that took place and was fully done, Ex. José entro a la habitación, you can see John went into the room, he completed the action. On the other hand, imperfect tense doesn't specificate if the action was completed, Ex. José entraba a la habitación, it doesn't tell us if José fully entered the room.
Fill in the blank with the Spanish wuru
I am a good teacher, I work in -- Un restaurante mcdonalds enseñando a las trabajadoras XD
gallium's melting point is 29 degrees celsius and yet it's boiling point is at 2204 celsius.
water never melts, nor freezes at 0 degrees celsius, meaning water also stays water at 0 degrees celsius unless the temperature changes to below 0 degrees celsius
it is physics