Answered by jill d #170087 a year ago 3/14/2018 9:21 PM
There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white—it would be dosed with borax and glycerine, and dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home consumption.
The various groups of Timucua spoke dialects of the Timucua language. At the time of European first contact, the territory occupied by speakers of Timucuan dialects stretched from the Altamaha River and Cumberland Island in present-day Georgia as far south as Orlando in the interior of Florida, and from the Atlantic coast to the Aucilla River, yet never reaching the Gulf of Mexico.
<span>"Timucua" (from "Thimogna") was originally the term used by the Saturiwa (of the area near present-day Jacksonville) to refer to the related people living north of the Santa Fe River between the St. Johns River and the Suwannee River. The Timucua Province of the Spanish mission system originally was this area. This was also the area of the Timucua proper dialect of the Timucuan language. During the 17th century the Spanish mission Province of Timucua was extended to include the area between the Suwannee River and the Aucilla River. The population of the Timucuan people at the time of European contact was around 50,000 people by one estimate, around 200,000 by another. The Timucua were organized into at least 35 chiefdoms at the time. While alliances and confederacies arose between the chiefdoms from time to time, the Timucua were never organized into a single political unit. The various groups of Timucua speakers practiced several different cultural traditions.</span>
revenue sharing grant (plural revenue sharing grants) (US) Federal grants distributing a portion of federal tax revenues to state and municipal governments.
On April 12th 1776 the colony of North Carolina made America's first official call for freedom from the British, they became “first in freedom” due to its people being tired of King George’s dominance. They were desperate to earn freedom. In John Adam’s (second president of the United States of America) words: “the colonists were determined to die poor and to die hard, if they must die”. So, they took a stand against the British and leaded the way to independence.
A armed conflict took place on February 27th, 1776. A thousand patriots defeated 1600 British loyalists at Moores Creek Bridge, ending with the British control of the colony, inspiring the colonists to chase (and earn) freedom.