The correct matches of the questions to the step in writing would be as follows:
A. What voice am I writing in?
This question would most likely be drafting. It is the step where the author would begin to develop the text, organizing the thoughts he wants to have.
B. Are my sentence boundaries identified correctly (no fragments or run-ons)?
This would be the editing step where you proofread the whole text looking at errors especially structural errors.
C. Have I kept voice and tense the same throughout?
This would represent the revising step where you make a run through to each sentence and see whether you are being consistent with the use of words.
D. What is my purpose?
This would be the planning step. The very first step in writing would planning on what to write and what you would like to convey to the readers.
E. What is my evidence (and where will I get it)?
This would be the pre-writing stage where you collect your sources for the subject you want to write.
D is the most appropriate thesis statement for a literary analysis paper. D explains the literary elements used along with a portion of the story's plot.
Bilbo came from the river with the help of the people of lake-town
An experience in my life that affected me deeply, modifying my perception of the context and of my daily motivation was the death of my brother due to a traffic accident. Thus, this fateful event showed me the finiteness of human life, which from one moment to the next can disappear practically without prior notice. In addition, it taught me to value my loved ones much more and the moments that I live with them, while one does not know if the experiences that take place could be repeated.