through increasing trade Brazil's long coastline helped the country to develop
The Colorado River (that is The lost river) proceeds from Rocky mountains into the Gulf of Calfornia. At the US & Mexico border, the Colorado river deflects into the farmland & orchards of different states of USA eldorado valley and other smaller basins.
After eight weeks of running through its delta, the fresh waters of the Colorado River meets the high tides of the briny sea.
Colorado’s nutrient-rich freshwater used to mixed with the Upper Gulf’s salty tides to create the perfect water chemistry and nursery grounds various water creatures of great commercial and cultural importance to the region, this was prior to the construction of big dams and diversions of the 20th century.
(1) Type of lava erupted and its viscosity; (2) Steepness of the ground over which it travels; (3) Whether the lava flows as a broad sheet, through a confined channel, or down a lava tube; and (4) Rate of lava production at the vent.
Hopefully this helps
The atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact with the geosphere through weathering and erosion. For example, rain and plants can weather rocks into sediments. Wind and flowing water can erode rocks and sediment and deposit them in new places.
The characteristic is Temperature