Mesopotamia, as it is where complex urban centres first grew.
The increased popularity of music video had a clear impact
on society. It was both positive and negative. They impacted different venues
like radio in a way that they were left redundant. Nobody wanted to listen to
the music when they could watch it. Radio people had to work very hard regain
their space in the industry. These music videos impacted different segments of
society differently. Some of these videos were very nice and impacted all the
segments positively, while others were
declared immoral and unsafe for a particular age group or the whole society.
I could really use some help. It's on the scarlet letter
You can tell what key it is in by the starting note. Therefore, for example the first question is on "D", and it had a flat accidental. Therefore it is a Db (D flat). Now, we can use the circle of fifths
[first attachment]
to help find out where the sharps and flats fall, and since this is a major scale, the pattern is Wholestep Wholestep Halfstep Wholestep Wholestep Wholestep Halfstep (WWHWWWH).
Therefore the pattern is Dflat Eflat F Gflat Aflat Bflat C and Dflat again. You can write there as notes on the scale
[second attachment]
You can do this for the rest of question 6.
Just choose a key signature from the circle of fifths (an easy one is G) and put that key signature on your staff. Secondly, choose a time signature. The easiest is 4/4. If you're in "G", start in key of "G" and make a simple tune. e.g
[third attachment, scroll right]
for the other tunes, just choose different time signatures and key signatures and switch up the tune.
Hope I helped and good luck!