You are about to take a trip to Colombia. Your Spanish-speaking friend has just called you on the telephone to ask you about you
r trip. Your friend’s half of the conversation has been provided for you. Now you need to respond with your half of the conversation.
Once you’ve written out your dialogue, you will record your part of the conversation in a voice activity. Please submit your written sentences along with your voice activity.
Sofía: Hola. Soy yo, Sofía. Te llamo para saber de tu viaje. ¿Adónde vas?
Sofía: ¿De veras? ¡Qué suerte tienes! ¿Qué llevas en tu maleta?
Sofía: ¿Quién va contigo? ¿Van tus padres? ¿Va tu hermano o tu hermana?
Sofía: ¿Qué moneda usan en Colombia?
Sofía: ¡Yo necesito un recuerdo de Colombia! ¡Qué te diviertas! Chao.
The correct answer would be your choice A. Because, "servidor" means: "a server" (referring to a person) while "nariz" = "Nose," "chimenea" = "chimney," "arbol,"= "tree." Hope that helps! :D