a. During orientations, university staff should be very clear about the importance of academic integrity (Bennett, 2005).
Only option A correctly paraphrases the original sentence without plagiarizing.
Option B is too similar to the original, almost a quotation, so it´s not considered as paraphrasing. Option C is a direct quotation and is missing the quotation marks as well as the author and date. Option D is also a direct quotation and is missing the quotation marks as well as the page number.
Following the author–date citation system in APA Style, every in-text citation should state the author name(s) as well as the year of publication matching the year in the reference list entry. However, only direct quotations should include the page number.
These are all tests for people who want to enter graduate degree programs.
cries , disgust, happiness
A recent study of college students from low-SES backgrounds and high-SES backgrounds conducted by VanKim and Laska showed that college students from low-SES backgrounds ate more fast food and fewer fruits and vegetables than their higher-SES counterparts. According to them "Higher nutritional knowledge, which is associated with a greater SES, is associated with engagement in more healthful weight-loss methods".